Toxic Furniture and Why You Should Avoid It

Non-toxic living has become an important trend in the past few years, and for good reason.
Health and happiness begin in your home. That is why we strive to provide a quality product that is good for the planet and for you. We use natural materials with No VOC powder-coating and Green-Guard certified wood finishes.
"While breathing these fumes in on occasion isn’t dangerous for most people, it’s exposure over time can cause major health issues, explains Dr. Goldbach. “There are many different VOCs and they can have different effects ranging from lung damage to brain issues to cancer,” she said. “Some off-gassing is down after a short initial period (which is why buying used furniture can be a very nontoxic choice) and some can happen over time as parts of furniture (like foam) start to break down.”- Amanda Lauren
To read more:
Quick and easy ways to avoid cut back on toxins in your home:
Natural Detergents: From dishes to clothing, we surround ourselves with cleaning products and residues that we have been made to believe are safe. Come to find out, they are not. That is why we love to support brands like Branch Basics. All natural cleaning products that are affordable and work.
Natural soaps and lotion. We love Vermont Soap Company
Avoid Plastic whenever possible. We know this is almost impossible these days but some quick fixes include:
- Switch out that plastic cutting board for a wood one
- Use glass food storage like this Pyrex from Costco.
- Avoid plastic coffee maker, make the switch to a french press, pour over or stainless steel percolator.